Are We Brothers?

  There are several ways in which we can be brothers with others. Certainly we are brothers to those who have the same parents as we have. (This includes sisters, of course). We are brothers to anyone who our parents may adopt into our family. In one sense, we are brothers to everybody because we all have the same original parents (Adam and Eve) and are all of the same physical family, the human family. Cain once asked, "Am I my brother's keeper?" We are. But the point here is first of all that we are brothers.

  The most sacred brotherhood is the spiritual brotherhood we enjoy with all others who are "in Christ" and therefore in the family of God. We are the sons and daughters of Almighty God. It is right to call one another "brethren." We have the "tie that binds" because we are spiritual kin. We are to respect each other as brothers and love one another. Jesus said, "By this shall all men know ye are my disciples."