He Preached the Gospel

  God had but one Son and He was a preacher. What He preached is the gospel of Christ. Gospel means good news. What better news could ever fall upon the ears of sinful humans than the news they can be saved from their sins? We can understand why the Holy Spirit had Paul to write of those who preached glad tidings (Rom. 10: 15).

  When Christ preached the Sermon on the Mount He was preaching gospel of the kingdom (Matt. 4: 23). The kingdom is the same as the church (Matt. 16: 16-18; Col. 1: 13). Therefore we know that Christ preached the way of salvation and how the church relates to that salvation. The church is composed of the saved (Acts 2: 47). Those in the kingdom are those who will be delivered to the Father (1 Cor. 15: 24)

  This was the message the Lord commissioned the apostles to go and preach (Mark 16: 15). It is the same message Christians preach today.