How Can You Drive Them Away?

  To attempt to show an unfaithful Christian that his constant and deliberate absence from worship is to sin against God is the last thing some would tolerate. They think they can "love" them back to faithfulness. Well, if we love them we will teach them that their continued and deliberate absence from worship is to sin against God.

  Some complain if you say that you will drive them away. Drive them away? How much more AWAY can they get? They have quit the Lord's church. Is that acceptable? Like David asked, "Is there not a cause?"

  It is so pitiful that some are so much smarter than God and do not think God knows what is right. Only they know it is all right to disobey God. What sort of deception have they swallowed? And some just bristle when God's truth is presented that contradicts their disobedience.