Just Stay With It

  My comments may not always be directly from Scripture but lessons can be learned that are useful in life from experiences of others. You may not care for golf. It is an interesting sport to many. A man named Tiger Woods is the dominant player at this time. He is remarkable.

  In the latest big tournament Woods was down and counted out time and again because of erratic play. But he just kept coming back with one spectacular show after another. When all seemed lost here he would come up again and do what had to be done. He never quit when things seemed lost for him. Maybe that's why he is such a champion.

  We can be spiritual victors, dear people, if we adopt the attitude to just keep coming back. We may stumble time after time but the crown belongs to the one who is faithful and loyal to his task. We read of Bible characters who had to do that, don't we? "Just stay with it" is a good motto to follow.