Not One of Its Purposes

  The Lord's church has specific purposes, functions, goals and work that those who compose the church are expected by the Lord to do. Unfortunately, too many have misdirected the church into areas where the Lord never authorized the church to operate. As a result, a misrepresentation of the church is very evident and resources intended to glorify God are misspent.

  It is not the purpose of the church to direct the affairs of civil government, simply soothe people into comfort even though they are not submissive to God, or to please the wants and wishes of men. Secular education, recreation, fun and games have no place in the work of the church.

  The prime purpose of the church is to glorify God by preaching the Word, edifying the saved, and rendering benevolence to the needy as opportunity and ability allow.

  Yes, the church is to make people happier by making them blessed before God. That is accomplished by encouraging one and all to be a faithful Christian.