Proud and Thankful

  Those who have worked in Vacation Bible Schools will appreciate what I am about to write. They know how much time, energy, thought and personal sacrifice it takes to plan and produce a good school. Weeks before the event they are busily engaged in the multitude of efforts that have to be done to make the school possible. Probably few are as appreciative of their labor as they ought to be and probably even fewer really have an idea what all it takes to put the effort forward.

  We have been engaged in our local VBS this week. I am proud of and thankful for the MANY brothers and sisters who have done such a masterful job in presenting a four session program on Christ, Our Good Shepherd. Not only the physical labor than is being expended but the obvious care and interest in those who are attending is matchless. This makes working together such a joy. A great number of people put some "stars in their crown" this week because of what they have accomplished.