She Could Have Made More Money

   Here she was a long way from home (Thyatira), a seller of purple in a Gentile city that did not observe the Sabbath. There was no Jewish synagogue, but she took time to leave her shop, go to the riverside with others, and worship God as she was expected to do. What a great example of faithfulness to duty she is.

  Of course, I speak of Lydia to whom Paul preached in the city of Philippi. Little wonder, then, that when she heard the gospel she "attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul." Among those things was the need to be baptized (Acts 16: 15).

  People who have an open heart, desiring to please God, and learning the way of God will do as did Lydia. What if she had stayed at her shop that day! Would she ever have learned the truth of salvation? Possibly! But the fact is, while she could have made more money, she did her duty and started her journey toward heaven through Christ. Money cannot buy those blessings.