A Child to be Born

  When the mother of Samson was told she would bear a CHILD she told her husband Manoah and he prayed, "O my Lord, let the man of God which thou didst send come again unto us, and teach is what we shall do unto the CHILD (emphasis, JWB) that shall be born" (Judges 13: 8). The child born was Samson.

  But the point we stress just now is that the CHILD in the womb of Manoah's wife was just that; a CHILD. War is not more vicious than the practice of abortion. It is the deliberate, premeditated destruction of innocent human life and that is called murder.

  Manoah knew there was a CHILD, not a blob of tissue. He knew they had the responsibility to properly rear that CHILD. Why cannot so many today accept that same irrefutable knowledge and act accordingly? They could except their minds are so hardened in sin that they will not see.