Additional Evidence- Wake Up |
How much evidence
was needed to prove Nero was an enemy of God and His people? Wasn't there
an abundance? The same question can be asked regarding the communist from
Kenya who now is in the Oval Office. Besides his ranting before perverts
how he is one their side and wishes to give them equal acceptance with
God-given marriage, now one of his barbarian czars announces the desire to
abolish marriage altogether. Don't tell me this dictator and tyrant in the
White House is not an enemy of God and His people. I'll not shut my eyes
to his evil. nor refrain from resisting.
Unless our citizens wake up to the maniacal power grab of this despicable despot we shall lose our freedom and the generations that follow will suffer. True Christians are concerned about this heathen and will work for the elimination of his control. Can you be God's friend otherwise? |