He Keeps His Word

  Unlike so many people in the world, the Christian will keep his word. What he says is truthful and reliable and he will stand by it. This is because he is a child of his Father. God always keeps His word.

  "For this is the word of promise, At this time will I come, and Sarah shall have a son" (Romans 9:9). God made some tremendous promises to Abraham including the one that pertained to the Christ (Gal. 3:16). Even though Abraham had no heir at the time the promises were  made, God kept His word and Isaac was born. Through him all the promises of God came to pass. What else would you expect but this?

  Men flounder around ducking and dodging to keep from living up to their word. But you will never have to beg God to keep His word. We should try to be like God in this respect. He expects it of us.