He Will Take Care of It

  When Paul says "give place to wrath," and God says "vengeance is mine," Paul is urging Christians not to take vengeance into their own hands. It is wise to mention here that God is not unjust in heaping vengeance against the evildoer, but rather justice demands that such be done, or God would no longer be a just God. It is, therefore, not a matter whether the enemy or persecutor ought to be dealt with and handled and the matter settled. The enemy deserves being punished. It is a matter of WHO is going to administer the wrath against the enemy. Paul says God would attend to that rather than the Christian, personally, and on his own.

  Recognizing the most tempting reaction to be retaliation (distinguished from self-defense), Paul urges the Christian to rise above that level of conduct, not be overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

  Who ever said being a Christian is easy?