Like a Child

  What did Jesus mean when He said we must receive the kingdom "as a little child?" (Mark 10: 13-16). We all admire the beautiful sentiment of the love of Jesus for children. He used these precious little people to explain to us certain qualities we must have if we are going to be pleasing to Him.

  A child is humble and teachable. They do not display the pride and self-righteousness so often seen among adults. They are willing and anxious to learn and please their parents. They do not hold grudges or have a heart of prejudice.

  By the way, if a child is totally depraved at birth as some wrongly teach, why would Jesus want anybody to be as a little child? A child will believe and obey those in whom he places his trust and love.

  Most certainly Jesus does not teach that little children are to be "baptized." Of course, those who teach that only sprinkle anyway. But before one can be properly baptized he must believe, repent and confess Christ. The little children who are "sprinkled" cannot do any of that.