Make Sure It Is Genuine

  Need we cite the many verses calling for repentance to be saved? Whether one is becoming a Christian or a Christian who has sinned and seeking forgiveness, repentance is demanded. Some confuse repentance with just being sorry. It is far more than that. One can be sorry and not repent. Maybe he is sorry he got caught or things did not go as he hoped. Godly sorrow worketh repentance but worldly sorrow is not profitable (2 Cor. 7: 10).

  Genuine repentance is a change of mind and heart that produces a change in manner of life. The reformation of life is not repentance but the product of repentance. Repentance takes place in the heart of a person. It calls for a change of will and allegiance that changes action.

  The goodness of God leadeth to repentance (Rom. 2: 4). When we see the goodness of God we will want to turn to Him. Our allegiance is to Him. We obey Him. The fear of the judgment will also provoke repentance.

  Repentance is demonstrated by the son who said he would not go to the vineyard as his father directed. But he changed his mind AND WENT. That was genuine repentance (Matt. 21: 29).