Open Our Eyes

  When the Lord was leaving Jericho He saw two blind men by the way side who were asking for mercy. Some tried to hush them up but the Lord asked what they wanted of Him. They replied, "Lord, that our eyes may be opened." (Matt. 20: 29-34). It is understandable that they would make such a request because they lacked sight and wanted to see.

  The blindest of men are those who do not want to see (Matt. 13: 14, 15). Some do not see God's truth and it is not because they cannot. They just prefer not to see. So often this is the case when truth is presented and those who hear it had rather believe something else.

  But should we not have the same earnest desire and ambition as did these men who were physically blind? So often we are spiritually blind but may it never be because we lack the desire to see. Spiritual sight will be ours when we turn to the Light of the world with a yearning to know what His will is. We dare not allow others to "hush us up" in our search for spiritual sight.