Shoot, But Miss |
What would you think
of a command to soldiers, "Men, shoot, but don't hit anybody."
Sometimes it seems that is the mentality of many national leaders in
America in protecting this country. It seems the main object is to be sure
nobody of the enemy gets hurt.
The same senseless attitude exists among some in religion. They say they do not mind the exposure of sin and error (although they prefer nothing ever be said against it), but we must be sure we do not offend anybody by making them feel guilty or that they do anything wrong. The main goal is to make people "feel good." The worst crime, as they see it, is to make people uncomfortable. Services are conducted with that primary aim and "sermons" are geared not to rub the devil wrong. While we should guard against offending because we fail to teach the truth in love, should we withhold the truth if somebody does not like it? Evidently some must think so because that is the way they act and talk. God's true people don't buy into that nonsense. |