Thy Son Liveth

  It is difficult to imagine the joy that must have come upon the nobleman who asked Jesus to come to his son who was nigh death. Jesus only said, "Thy son liveth." The nobleman believed what Jesus said and on his way home he was met by his servants who told him his son was alive and well. They told him the time of his recovery which was just when Jesus told him, "Thy son liveth."

  Coincidence? Not on your life! It was another miracle performed by the Lord to prove His identity as the Son of God. It was convincing to the nobleman and his family. The inspired record should be convincing to us.

  A secondary accomplishment by this miracle, aside from evidence concerning Jesus, was the demonstration of compassion our Lord showed for one who needed help. Consider the joy He brought to others. As in all other things, in this He gave us an example to follow. We cannot miraculously heal  but we can bring joy and compassion to the needy.